Since we are currently navigating through the coldest December on record in Russia (yes, that's right!) I thought this would be a great time to start a "You know you live in Siberia if . . ." list. Here is how I am starting it . . .
1) You check the weather at the North Pole and think, "Man, that's warm!"
2) You check the weather in Greenland and think, "Man, that's hot!"
3) You check the weather in Minnesota and think, "Man that's blistering!"
4) You breathe in and there are immediately icicles in your nose.
5) You think about wearing shorts outside when it hits 0 degrees F.
6) You go into your freezer to warm up.
7) The seat inside the car is actually hard (frozen).
8) You forget what it was like to be above freezing.
9) Your high temperature is -38 F (brrrrr! but at least it is under -40)
10) You see something like this . . . ice cream stand . . . yes it's -10 F, and yes . . . it is open . . .