Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christmas at a Glance

Greetings Blog readers,
Overall we had an excellent Christmas holiday. We ate Christmas lunch at TGIF and then went and saw an interesting Disney movie titled in Russian "Cold Heart", I think it is "Frozen" in the US. The movie is quite apropos here, and we got some great listening practice.

Chara's parents came in for New Year's, but unfortunately, the flu bug traveled over with them and we spent New Year's with a fever and cough. We still tried to be a blessing to those in our apartment building, making gift bags and baking cookies (washing our hands many times in the process!)

Even more importantly, we feel extraordinary blessed to have had multiple opportunities to share the gospel with people. We did a candlelight service for one of our ESL classes and encouraged people at the end to "make room in their hearts for Jesus", and not to say "no room in the inn." Several new people were there who we had never seen before, so we hope they will come to the ESL classes when we start again this coming week.

We  continue to prepare and pray about starting our first small group. Pray with us and we'll continue working toward this goal over the next few weeks.

Here are a few photos from a winter festival we visited in downtown Krasnoyarsk: