Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 2 Midweek Update

We have had an incredible week thus far. Dr. Tom Eliff (president of the IMB) came and spoke for 2 days on developing a passion for prayer. The challenge he gave us is that we must be WITH God, not just simply trying to do things for Him. It is extremely easy to get busy for God and neglect spending time in prayer, and when that happens our hearts become dull. Prayer is truly at the heart of any work we seek to do for God, because our first priority must be to align ourselves so that we are not simply on a parallel track to God's will, but we are actually chugging along on His railroad track!

Mixed into that teaching have been classes on things like goal development, benefit package, and some other odds and ends.

Today we spent some time discussing the difficulty in the transition process, and we were reminded that the first few weeks of service overseas may cause anxiety and confusion for a little while, until we settle into a routine. It was great to hear that everyone deals with that, so if we do we won't feel like we are the only ones.

I continue to be both humbled and amazed at the amount of support the SBC provides to those called to serve, much of which comes from the donations of churches who probably can barely afford to give financially but understand the incredible harvest that will come about if they do.

On top of that, the staff here is incredibly supportive and see their roles as ministry. Even one of the cafeteria workers we have gotten to know has given us tremendous encouragement for our Christian walk, which is awesome!

My prayer is that we will both absorb and become everything that God wants us to be so we can do everything He wants us to do!

Pray that we will:
1) intentionally pursue Christ passionately each day as priority #1
2) with the rest of our day, seek to absorb as much great information and equipping as we can.

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